Even in the early days of Christendom false doctrine was spread and already then the church had to take a strong stand in defence of the Word of God.
It is a well-known fact that during the sixteenth century Martin Luther and the movement of the reformation were separated from the Roman Catholic Church and later from the Reformed Churches as well. During the nineteenth century those Lutheran Churches that were unequivocally bound by the Lutheran confessions, saw themselves ousted from the union of Evangelical churches in Germany.
The FELSISA came into being as a result of disputes with Unitarian attempts to water down many fundamental principles of biblical doctrine, especially pertaining to Holy Communion, thereby letting pluralistic viewpoints prevail and causing doubt and uncertainty amongst believers.
In unity with the true apostles’ church the FELSISA clearly and unambiguously stands by the Word of God and is bound by the confessions of the Lutheran church. Furthermore the FELSISA accepts without compromise the standpoint of the reformers and the decisions taken by the fathers of the Free Evangelical-Lutheran church.