Category: Sacraments

A heartfelt thanks for all support

A heartfelt thanks for all support

We thank you very much for the many WhatsApps and phone calls, the visits and the cards we received from…

Enduring Salvation: How can we face the coming year with confidence?

Enduring Salvation: How can we face the coming year with confidence?

Give attention to me, my people, and give ear to me, my nation; for a teaching will go out from…

Church Councillors’ Retreat 2024

Church Councillors’ Retreat 2024

Kevin Meyer During the first weekend of November 2024, the pastors and councillors from our churches gathered at Fels Retreat…

International Church Relations Conference: Planting a flower in the gate of hell

International Church Relations Conference: Planting a flower in the gate of hell

By Roy S. Askins Ninety-seven representatives from 46 countries and 41 LCMS sister church bodies, along with six other church…

ILC Welcomes Lutheran Mission – Australia into Membership

ILC Welcomes Lutheran Mission – Australia into Membership

by Mathew Block | Oct 17, 2024 (Source: AUSTRALIA – The International Lutheran Council (ILC) has accepted Lutheran Mission – Australia (LM-A) into…

What happens when we die?

What happens when we die?

Pastor Andreas Albers, Our Saviour, Wartburg Does a believer in Christ go straight to heaven when they die, or is…

A Historic Partnership: Church Fellowship Between FELSISA and CLCMS

A Historic Partnership: Church Fellowship Between FELSISA and CLCMS

Bishop em. Dr Dieter Reinstorf, Pretoria After official theological consultations in 2022, the FELSISA had voted unanimously to declare church…

Youth Day 2024: Fellowship, Faith, and Fun in Uelzen

Youth Day 2024: Fellowship, Faith, and Fun in Uelzen

Thomas Schnackenberg, Pretoria The synodical Youth Day of 2024 took place in Uelzen, Dundee. With the help of the Newcastle…

Faith, Fellowship, and Fun: Reflections on the 2024 Lutheran Winter Youth Camp

Faith, Fellowship, and Fun: Reflections on the 2024 Lutheran Winter Youth Camp

Lutheran Winter Youth Camp Julia Mamabolo, ELC, Pretoria After a long drive, the camp (14th-18th June 2024) began with a…

100 Years of Brass Band Praise: A Jubilant Celebration of Faith and Music

100 Years of Brass Band Praise: A Jubilant Celebration of Faith and Music

Pastor emeritus Chris Johannes, Wartburg, Kirchdorf (This speech has been shortened by the editors and is available in full length…

Singing Disciples: Celebrating Mission and Song in Wartburg

Singing Disciples: Celebrating Mission and Song in Wartburg

Pastor Andreas Albers, Our Saviour, Wartburg On the 4th of August, the annual Mission and Song Festival for the region…

Shining Bright for Christ: The Journey of Wartburg’s Mini Youth Outreach

Shining Bright for Christ: The Journey of Wartburg’s Mini Youth Outreach

Edeltraut Johannes, Kirchdorf, Wartburg “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them.” – Matthew 19:14 Since…

Rebirth through Water and Spirit

Rebirth through Water and Spirit

Jesus answered Nicodemus, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of…

“Making the sign of the cross – Catholic or what?”

“Making the sign of the cross – Catholic or what?”

Making the sign of the cross? “Oh no!” we say, “That’s Catholic.” Or perhaps: “…that’s superstitious.” Whatever it is, it…

God’s mission

God’s mission

Pastor Thomas Beneke, Newcastle God fulfils his mission even without our prayer, but we pray in this petition that it…

Youth Retreat 2024

Youth Retreat 2024

David Weber, Pretoria Who am I? This is a question best not asked out loud, as that may lead to…

Seminary Building Plans

Seminary Building Plans

Rector Doctor Pastor Heinz Hiestermann, Pretoria In 2021, the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane (LTS) applied for accreditation from the…

Conducting course in Wartburg

Conducting course in Wartburg

Angelika Johannes, Panbult During the week from the 18th to 23rd of March 2024, a choir conducting course took place…

Acting in Love: Embracing Agape in Our Daily Lives

Acting in Love: Embracing Agape in Our Daily Lives

Let all that you do be done in love. 1. Corinthians 16:14 Love is an extremely broad concept. For many,…

Suffering and Lamentations

Suffering and Lamentations

Pastor Tobias Ahlers, Shelley Beach If God is good, then why does He permit suffering? This often asked question is…

30 years of the International Lutheran Council

30 years of the International Lutheran Council

A report from selk_news, reprinted with permission In the festive service on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the…

Interview with Pastor Christian Tiedemann

Interview with Pastor Christian Tiedemann

Part of the series: Former FELSISA pastors abroad Pastor Tiedemann, could you begin by telling us a bit about yourself?…

Account of hope | 5 Days in Weigersdorf

Account of hope | 5 Days in Weigersdorf

A report by selk_news / Hinrich Brandt, abridged for BLK From the 23rd to 27th of August, the “5 Tage…

Song Festival 2023

Song Festival 2023

Pastor Andreas Albers, Our Saviour, Wartburg The 51st Song Festival of the FELSISA took place on the 1st of October…

Church Councillors’ Retreat 2023

Church Councillors’ Retreat 2023

On the 3rd and 4th of November 2023, the annual church councillors’ retreat took place at the FELS-Retreat near Paulpietersburg.…

St Peter’s Congregation Greytown – 50th Anniversary

St Peter’s Congregation Greytown – 50th Anniversary

Ninke Voigts, Greytown St Peter’s Congregation in Greytown celebrated their 50th anniversary on 10 December 2023. Having reached out to…

Children’s Camp 2023

Children’s Camp 2023

Pastor Thomas Beneke, Newcastle Although “Go into all the world…” was the theme for this year’s Children’s Camp, the first…

Teenage Camp 2023

Teenage Camp 2023

Nicole Meister, Kirchdorf What a wonderful weekend! The annual teen camp was held at Wag-‘n-Bietjie Camp in Pretoria and was…

Youth Retreat 2023

Youth Retreat 2023

Imke Böhmer, Pretoria “You are His witness” was the topic for the Youth Retreat in Lüneburg from 12 to 17…



Pastor Mintesinot B. Hanfato At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you…

Ballito Church Plant

Ballito Church Plant

Christoph Weber, Durban The Lutheran Church in Ballito uses as its profile picture on Facebook a brown cross standing amongst…

Interview with Bishop Helmut Paul

Interview with Bishop Helmut Paul

Can you tell us more about yourself – your upbringing, your hobbies, your family? Breda is the name of the…

Lutheran Winter Youth Camp Report

Lutheran Winter Youth Camp Report

By the St. Paul’s (Fairland) Youth Group What a time to be alive! On Thursday the 13th of July, the…

Multi-Congregation Parishes – Part 2

Multi-Congregation Parishes – Part 2

Lively Word and Sacrament ministry By Stacey Egger Obstacles to partnership Just as partnerships succeed in similar ways, the same…

Brass Band Festival 2023

Brass Band Festival 2023

Gerald Gevers, Lüneburg  Under the Watchword: But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of…

Die Kurve kriegen

Die Kurve kriegen

“Die Kurve kriegen” is a handy and descriptive German expression. A direct translation would be “getting the curve”. A translation…

Gerald Paul – Interview

Gerald Paul – Interview

Pastor Paul, as a former pastor of FELSISA many readers will know you, but could you say a few words…

Environmentalism – Politics or Religion?

Environmentalism – Politics or Religion?

By Pastor Dr. Karl Böhmer Gen 1:27+28 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them;…

Multi-Congregation Parishes – Part 1

Multi-Congregation Parishes – Part 1

Preface In the western world, Christianity is facing decline. Our sister church in the USA (Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod)…

Report of the Synodical Convention in Lüneburg

Report of the Synodical Convention in Lüneburg

From the perspective of Erica du Toit, Cape Town My first thought when hearing that I would be representing St…

Youth Retreat 2023

Youth Retreat 2023

From the 21st – 23rd of April 2023 the FELSISA youth members gathered for the annual Youth Retreat at Little…

Devotion: A voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” – Matthew 17:5b

Devotion: A voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” – Matthew 17:5b

Peter must have been an astonishing character. He had so much zeal for the Lord, just like a child for…

The True Marks of the Church: A Reflection on Luther’s Teachings

The True Marks of the Church: A Reflection on Luther’s Teachings

By Matthew C. Harrison, printed with permission from the ©2022 Reporter (, the official newspaper of the LCMS) The LCMS…

Children’s Camp: ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times’

Children’s Camp: ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times’

Pastor Thomas Beneke, Newcastle How do we deal with trauma? The children’s camp was a traumatic experience for many. Repeated…

LLDP – Part II

LLDP – Part II

In the FELSISA Witness June 2020 edition, I reported on my participation in the Lutheran Leadership Development Program (LLDP) –…

43rd Pastors’ Convention of the FELSISA & Combined LCSA and FELSISA Pastors’ Convention

43rd Pastors’ Convention of the FELSISA & Combined LCSA and FELSISA Pastors’ Convention

Compiled by Christian Straeuli, Greytown Everything is happening a bit earlier this year. The Bishop is retiring at the end…

Youth Camp 2022

Noah Volkmar, SELK (Translated by Rebekka Böhmer, Pretoria) The synodical youth camp in Wittenberg started on Tuesday with a delicious…

Teen camp 2022

During the 4th week of Advent, the synodal teenage camp was held in Hermannsburg (15-18 Dec 2022), attended by about…

Youth Day 2022

Youth Day 2022

Kerstin Gevers (Arcadia Youth) For the first time in 3 years, we finally experienced a winter youth day like before…

Synodical Church Councillors’ Retreat

Synodical Church Councillors’ Retreat

Klaus Schirmer, Durban On the 4th and 5th of November over 50 church councillors and pastors gathered at the Fels…

Ordination und Einführung: Werner Straeuli

Ordination und Einführung: Werner Straeuli

Pastor Christian Straeuli, Greytown In der Mitte des Jahres 2021 wurde Pastor Helmut Paul berufen, seinen Dienst im Weinberg Gottes…

Pastors’ Family Retreat 2022

Pastors’ Family Retreat 2022

Kristin Straeuli, Greytown Upon the conclusion of the 91st Posaunenfest in Kirchdorf, the FELSISA pastors and their families remained in…

Report on the Pastors’ Convention – 2022

Report on the Pastors’ Convention – 2022

Pastor Andreas Albers, Our Saviour, Wartburg The 42nd pastors’ convention took place at Impalabos (situated in Olifants West Nature Reserve, near…

Basuinfees / Koperblaasfees 2022

Basuinfees / Koperblaasfees 2022

Dag van herdenking van die Augsburgse Belydenis (van die belydenis van Augsburg) – Angelika Johannes, Panbult “Ook wil ek voor…

In All Circumstances

In All Circumstances

This article is taken with permission from the LCMS Stewardship Ministry. Throughout his epistles and his preaching recorded in the…

125th Anniversary Celebration of Salem Congregation

125th Anniversary Celebration of Salem Congregation

70 Years Uelzen Church Building Commemoration Pastor Marlon Hiestermann, Uelzen Sometimes we might be tempted to take the existence of…

Lutheran Winter Youth Camp 2022 by Pastor Toby Ahlers, Shelly Beach

Lutheran Winter Youth Camp 2022 by Pastor Toby Ahlers, Shelly Beach

At the end of June, 30 youth gathered for the annual Lutheran Winter Youth Camp (LWYC), held again at Fort…



Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have…

In Memoriam of Hans Beier

(2.10.1936 – 7.4.2022) A very personal remembrance by Peter Ahlers “The bells ring very differently, when it’s a dear friend…



It was back in 2019 that the Synodical Council of the FELSISA agreed that consultative talks should be held with…

Interview: Pre-marriage Counselling

Interview: Pre-marriage Counselling

Pastor Martin K. Paul was ordained on the 5th of December 2021 and serves the St. Paul’s Johannesburg Congregation since…

Ordination of Mintesinot Birru Hanfato

Ordination of Mintesinot Birru Hanfato

Let me introduce to you Pastor Mintesinot Birru Hanfato, who was recently ordained to help with serving the Diepkloof Congregation…

Blessed Shall You Be

Blessed Shall You Be

“Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. Blessed shall be the fruit…

Synodical Church Councillor’s Retreat

Synodical Church Councillor’s Retreat

With the COVID restrictions having been lessened, the Synod was able to host its Church Councillor’s Retreat at the beautiful…



Just as in the last stewardship’s message (FELSISA Witness 3/2021), we hear again from God’s Word how we are uniquely…

Stewardship starts and ends with God’s ownership of all!

Stewardship starts and ends with God’s ownership of all!

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in…

Night Driving: Notes from a Prodigal Soul – Review

Night Driving: Notes from a Prodigal Soul – Review

Chad Bird, Night Driving: Notes from a Prodigal Soul (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2017) “The Bible unmasks the stories…

Introduction to topic Being Lutheran II

Introduction to topic Being Lutheran II

12For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are…

Synodical Convention 2021

After being postponed from the previous year, the 62nd Synodical Convention of the FELSISA took place in Wittenberg from 19…

The last meeting between FELSISA and NELCSA

The last meeting between FELSISA and NELCSA

After a break of more than 18 months due to COVID-19, the theological task group of the FELSISA and NELCSA…

Reflection: Pastor Rüdiger Gevers, Vryheid

Reflection: Pastor Rüdiger Gevers, Vryheid

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord…

Presentation: Making decisions and living with them – perspectives (also) regarding the Corona pandemic.

Presentation: Making decisions and living with them – perspectives (also) regarding the Corona pandemic.

Reverend Provost Manfred Holst, SELK [I would suggest describing the office – it’s unlikely that anyone will know what this…

Introduction to “On ‘Being Lutheran’” for BLK April 2021

Introduction to “On ‘Being Lutheran’” for BLK April 2021

Kristin Straeuli, FELSISA Stewardship Coordinator Have you ever caught yourself justifying staying home from church on Sunday morning? Especially after…

Report: Pastors’ Convention 2021

Report: Pastors’ Convention 2021

The aim of the pastors’ convention is to discuss theological issues that have arisen in the FELSISA. With this in…

Youth Camp: Me, Myself and I

Youth Camp: Me, Myself and I

Vicar W. Straeuli On the weekend of April, the 30th to May the 2nd  2021, the youth of the FELSISA…

Manyfold Celebration of God’s Manyfold Blessings

Manyfold Celebration of God’s Manyfold Blessings

Pastor Thomas Beneke, Newcastle Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing…

Pastor George Mabe

Pastor George Mabe

Pastor George Mabe, born on 7 February 1962, passed away on 23 June 2021 due to COVID-19 complications. Pastor Mabe…

Can one be certain of one’s salvation?

Can one be certain of one’s salvation?

Interview with Dr Martin Luther (Bishop Hans-Jörg Voigt, SELK) The form of a fictional interview does not give a truly…

Interview with Pastor Christian Straeuli

Interview with Pastor Christian Straeuli

Stewardship: A shift in the mindset of the giver Pastor Christian Straeuli was ordained on the 16th of Februar 2020…

St Martin’s Village and Life in times of COVID-19

St Martin’s Village and Life in times of COVID-19

It is a complicated story. Also at St Martin’s Village. And yet, as many of our certainties shake and cannot…

Preface to the articles on faith

Preface to the articles on faith

In this issue of the FELSISA Witness, two articles are reprinted that appeared in the church newsletter of the SELK,…

Rejoice – In Spite Of Everything

Rejoice – In Spite Of Everything

Seriously, after the year we’ve had! Rejoice?! Don’t you have the feeling that we should have a refund – or…

Evil, Suffering, and Scripture:  The Origin and Purpose of the Corona Virus — Part II

Evil, Suffering, and Scripture: The Origin and Purpose of the Corona Virus — Part II

In these strange times, the Book of Revelation often serves as the go-to text for many Christians with questions about…

The significance of the corona crisis for us as Christians | Part II

The significance of the corona crisis for us as Christians | Part II

“We have never seen anything like this before!” That is how you hear people speak about the current corona crisis.…

Pastors’ Convention at Sitilo Game Farm, Pongola

Pastors’ Convention at Sitilo Game Farm, Pongola

Pastors’ Convention at Sitilo Game Farm, Pongola – 5-8 October 2020. Although the coronavirus was still present, we were thankfully…

“Faith in the Shadow of a Pandemic” John Pless and Jacob Corzine (St. Louis, MO: CPH, 2020)

“Faith in the Shadow of a Pandemic” John Pless and Jacob Corzine (St. Louis, MO: CPH, 2020)

The Coronavirus and the COVID-19 crisis overshadow the current year 2020 in many respects. People sometimes voice the critical question:…

The Lord’s Prayer: Devotion

The Lord’s Prayer: Devotion

“8…for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your…

Origin and Purpose of the Corona Virus

Origin and Purpose of the Corona Virus

Evil, Suffering, and Scripture: The Origin and Purpose of the Corona Virus Pastor Dr. Karl E. Böhmer, Christ Congregation Kirchdorf…

The significance of the corona crisis for us as Christians

The significance of the corona crisis for us as Christians

The significance of the corona crisis for us as Christians. Pastor Dieter Schnackenberg, Cape Town “This calls for patient endurance…

Thanksgiving – Angels Care KZN

Thanksgiving – Angels Care KZN

Psalm 103:1 – Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Dear…

A perspective on the racism debate in the USA

A perspective on the racism debate in the USA

A perspective on the racism debate in the USA Rev. Dr. Jacob Corzine, Concordia University Chicago, USA I cannot but…

Who Cares? The Church Takes Care of Her Own

Who Cares? The Church Takes Care of Her Own

Who Cares? Although this virus may be unprecedented for us, crises in the life of the Church are not.  We…

Vacancy ministry of Verden-Dundee

Vacancy ministry of Verden-Dundee

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between the Synodical Council of the Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa (FELSISA) and the Church…

Installation of Dr Heinz Hiestermann at LTS

Installation of Dr Heinz Hiestermann at LTS

On Sunday Septuagesimae (9 February 2020), Rev. John Nkambule and Dr Heinz Hiestermann were installed as full-time lecturers of the…

Lutheran Leadership Development Program (LLDP)

Lutheran Leadership Development Program (LLDP)

“I wish you an enriching experience in this program, but don’t come back too learned for us!” With these words,…

Church musicians meet

Church musicians meet

On the occasion of a private visit to Radevormwald (Germany), Bernhard Böhmer, the principal director of the Choir Association of…

Interview with Pastor Andreas Albers on his examination paper

Interview with Pastor Andreas Albers on his examination paper

Children in the Divine Service or Children’s Service? Pastor Andreas Albers was ordained in Kirchdorf on 28 July 2019 and…

Rejoicing in times of COVID-19

Rejoicing in times of COVID-19

Rejoice! Rejoice, in the midst of suffering! That was the theme of the Sunday Jubilate. To find suffering at the…

Ordination & Installation of Christian Straeuli

Ordination & Installation of Christian Straeuli

It was a wonderful, sunny afternoon on Sunday, the 15th February 2020 at 14:30. Many pastors, family and friends of…

Family Baptism

Family Baptism

Family Baptism at Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel Congregation Pietermaritzburg. 25 November 2018 was a special day in the Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel…

Devotion / Reflection 1 Corinthians 15:2-8

Devotion / Reflection 1 Corinthians 15:2-8

“I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance…

Theology Student – Christian Straeuli

Theology Student – Christian Straeuli

Hello there, I am Christian Eugen Straeuli. I come from the St Paul’s congregation (Pretoria) where I was a member…



We Believe, Teach, and Confess – Part 8 |  What Do The Lutheran Confessions Say About Baptism? Martin Luther was…

History of the FELSIS – Part 13 | Term of Office of President Scharlach

History of the FELSIS – Part 13 | Term of Office of President Scharlach

The History of the FELSISA – Part 13:  The Term of Office of President Scharlach (1971-1990) Expansion The timespan into…

Adult Youth Retreat 2016

Adult Youth Retreat 2016

This year’s Adult Youth Retreat was held at FELS Retreat during the last weekend of April. It may have been…

Organists Association Meeting 2015

Organists Association Meeting 2015

On 14th November 2015, 18 people came together in Panbult for a workshop organised by the Organists Association of the…

Combined Gauteng Fraternal Meeting

Combined Gauteng Fraternal Meeting

The FELSISA pastors serving in Gauteng come together every two months for a fraternal. At the last get-together, the LCSA…

Report from the Pretoria Student Ministry

Report from the Pretoria Student Ministry

A semester goes by more quickly than you might think. This semester is nearly over, and it feels especially true…

Pastors Convention at Sitilo Game Farm (8-12 May 2016)

Pastors Convention at Sitilo Game Farm (8-12 May 2016)

This year the pastors of the FELSISA were privileged to be able to hold their annual convention at the lovely…

Student Ministry in Pretoria

Student Ministry in Pretoria

In the midst of all the challenges created for the universities in South Africa, including the University of Pretoria, by…

Give us this day our daily bread.

Give us this day our daily bread.

What does this mean? God certainly gives daily bread to everyone without our prayers, even to all evil people, but…

Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel Congregation Pietermaritzburg

Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel Congregation Pietermaritzburg

Immanuel Congregation Pietermaritzburg started off as a German congregation for FELSISA members (primarily from Kirchdorf and Shelley Beach) who settled…

Synodical Youth Day 2016

Synodical Youth Day 2016

Gaudete! Gaudete! (Rejoice! Rejoice!) With this song, the youth choir opened the 73rd Youth Day at the German School in…

Confession and Absolution

Confession and Absolution

We Believe, Teach, and Confess – Part 9 | What Do The Lutheran Confessions Say About Confession and Absolution? As…

English Youth Camp

English Youth Camp

An English-language youth camp was held from 9 – 12 July near Pretoria, on the north side of the Magaliesberg…

History of FELSISA Part 14 | Ernst-August Albers

History of FELSISA Part 14 | Ernst-August Albers

The History of the FELSISA – Part 14: The Term of Office of President Ernst-August Albers (1990-1994) Lutheran Theological Seminary…

Church Music Notes

Church Music Notes

Dear reader, Maybe you know the mixed feelings one has when there is a person in the house (or the…

Theology Student – Andreas Albers

Theology Student – Andreas Albers

Dear reader, my name is Andreas Albers (26), a student of theology for the FELSISA. Thank you for allowing me…

Pastor Eckart Georg Schroeder (1938-2016)

Pastor Eckart Georg Schroeder (1938-2016)

Pastor Eckart Georg Schroeder passed away on 23rd May 2016. The circle of readers of the “FELSISA Witness,” who have…

Christmas traditions

Christmas traditions

In virtually no other time of the year do we have as many traditions and customs as we do during…

The 60th Synodical Convention of the FELSISA

The 60th Synodical Convention of the FELSISA

The 2016 Synodical Convention was held from 8th-10th September at the Kirchdorf congregation in Wartburg. The topic of the convention…

The Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper

We Believe, Teach, and Confess – Part 10 | What Do The Lutheran Confessions Say About The Lord’s Supper? In…

Evangelical Lutheran Congregation – Newcastle

Evangelical Lutheran Congregation – Newcastle

The last year has seen many new developments in our congregation in Newcastle. Our congregation got its own pastor when…

The History of the FELSISA – Part 15

The History of the FELSISA – Part 15

The History of the FELSISA – Part 15: The Term of Office of President Peter Ahlers (1994-2009) Extension In the…

Theology Student – Martin Kurt Paul

Theology Student – Martin Kurt Paul

Hello. My name is Martin Kurt Paul, born 25th of February 1989. I am married to Nicola Heidi Paul and…

In Memoriam President Günter Scharlach

In Memoriam President Günter Scharlach

On the 31st August 2016 Pastor Günter Scharlach, the long-time pastor of the Peter-Paul’s Congregation in Lüneburg and former President…

Devotion / Reflection 1 John 3:8

Devotion / Reflection 1 John 3:8

Reflection | “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” 1 John 3:8…

Teenager Camp 2016 – To be a Blessing

Teenager Camp 2016 – To be a Blessing

The annual Teenager Camp was held at the Heyshope Dam, near Piet Retief, from the 8th to the 11th December…

Good Works

Good Works

We Believe, Teach, and Confess – Part 11 | What Do The Lutheran Confessions Say About Good Works? It is…

Student Ministry in Pretoria

Student Ministry in Pretoria

After a long summer break, the old students are finally back, and the new ones have arrived too. It’s always…

Synodical Youth Retreat 2016 in Kirchdorf

Synodical Youth Retreat 2016 in Kirchdorf

Once again a successful Synodical Youth Retreat of the FELSISA has come to an end. From 6 – 11 December…

The Illustrator of the Reformation: LUCAS CRANACH

The Illustrator of the Reformation: LUCAS CRANACH

The painting on the second last page (p. 19) is by Lucas Cranach the Younger. He was one of the…

Two new pipe organs

Two new pipe organs

Church music has always played an important role in the Lutheran Church. All the more significant that two congregations of…

FELSISA Women’s Retreat 2017

FELSISA Women’s Retreat 2017

The annual FELSISA Women’s Retreat took place on 20 and 21 March 2017 at the “FELS Retreat” near Paulpietersburg. The…

Induction Service of Dr Karl Böhmer

Induction Service of Dr Karl Böhmer

On the 4th Sunday after Epiphany the St Paul’s congregation, Pretoria, had the privilege both to celebrate a combined service…

What Do The Lutheran Confessions Say About Free Will?

What Do The Lutheran Confessions Say About Free Will?

We Believe, Teach, and Confess – Part 12 | Two people hear the same sermon – one believes, the other…

Student Ministry in Pretoria

Student Ministry in Pretoria

It seems appropriate to take the opportunity with this final “student ministry report” to express my gratitude to the FELSISA,…

Theology Student – Werner Straeuli

Theology Student – Werner Straeuli

Dear readers! My name is Werner Straeuli. My wife and I have been in Germany for just over a year…

A Missionary Adventure – for the Sake of the Gospel

A Missionary Adventure – for the Sake of the Gospel

Pastor Mateus Sifa, President of the Concordia Lutheran Church in Mozambique (ILCM), moved with his family to the city of…

Interview with Dr Karl Böhmer

Interview with Dr Karl Böhmer

In 2016 Dr Karl Böhmer published the results of his research in the field of South African Mission History. We…

Devotion / Reflection: Galatians 1:23-24

Devotion / Reflection: Galatians 1:23-24

They only were hearing it said, “He who used to persecute us is now preaching the faith he once tried…

Choir Festival in Pretoria

Choir Festival in Pretoria

On 8 October 2017, the 47th Choir Festival of the FELSISA took place in the auditorium of the Deutsche Schule…

Dedication of the New Pipe Organ in Lüneburg

Dedication of the New Pipe Organ in Lüneburg

On 1st October 2017, the new Elsenaar-Organ was dedicated in Lüneburg. It was a memorable occasion for the Lüneburg congregation,…

Theology Student – Philip Wortmann

Theology Student – Philip Wortmann

My name is Philip Jürgen Wortmann and I come from Wartburg, from the Our Saviour Congregation. My parents are Erwin…

In Memoriam Wilhelm Weber – a Tireless Communicator

In Memoriam Wilhelm Weber – a Tireless Communicator

Ernst Alfred Wilhelm Weber was a Pentecost-type figure: We each heard him speak in our own language (Acts 2:6). He…

Church Councillors Meeting 3 & 4 November 2017

Church Councillors Meeting 3 & 4 November 2017

At 18:00 on 3 November, church councillors and pastors from the various congregations met at the FELS-Retreat near Paulpietersburg. The…

“I believe in the resurrection of the body” – Apostles’ Creed

“I believe in the resurrection of the body” – Apostles’ Creed

Reflection – “I believe in the resurrection of the body” – Apostles’ Creed Easter falls on April 1st this year…

Joint Gathering of LCSA and FELSISA

Joint Gathering of LCSA and FELSISA

Those familiar with the history of the FELSISA will know that in the distant past, joint conferences were regularly held…

Church Services in Ballito

Church Services in Ballito

After much thought and prayer, the Our Saviour Congregation (Wartburg) has decided to commence with regular English church services in…

Synodical Youth Retreat: “Being a Christian in the modern world”

Synodical Youth Retreat: “Being a Christian in the modern world”

Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life; No one comes to the Father except through…

Ordination of Vicar Marlon Hiestermann

Ordination of Vicar Marlon Hiestermann

The Ordination of Vicar Marlon Hiestermann took place on 21 January in Durban-Westville. It was a special day for Vicar…

Installation of Pastor Dieter Schnackenberg in Cape Town

Installation of Pastor Dieter Schnackenberg in Cape Town

It was heart-warming to arrive at a packed church in Cape Town on 14 January 2018. The congregation had gathered…

Teenager Camp 2017  | Time – a question of love

Teenager Camp 2017 | Time – a question of love

On the 3rd Sunday in Advent, the 2017 Teenager Camp came to an end. We spent a great time together…

Devotion / Reflection: Certain of the things we cannot see

Devotion / Reflection: Certain of the things we cannot see

“To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we…

Installation of Dr Walter Winterle (LTS) and Pastor Kurt Böhmer (Pretoria)

Installation of Dr Walter Winterle (LTS) and Pastor Kurt Böhmer (Pretoria)

It does not happen often that two installations are held in one service, preceded by a baptism. The date was…

Adult Youth Retreat 2018

Adult Youth Retreat 2018

Adult Youth Retreat 2018 – Bioethics – The Beginning and Ending of Human Life  What should we as young adults…

38th Pastors’ Convention of the FELSISA

38th Pastors’ Convention of the FELSISA

38th Pastors’ Convention of the FELSISA  – 14-16 May 2018 at Heyshope Dam The pastors who arrived at the Heyshope…

Why Confirmation?

Why Confirmation?

As part of his second theological Exam to become a pastor of our church, Pastor Marlon Hiestermann has written a…

Teaching Luther’s Catechisms in Rwanda

Teaching Luther’s Catechisms in Rwanda

News from the Lutherische Kirchenmission (LKM) – Teaching Luther’s Catechisms in Rwanda From Monday the 16th to Friday the 20th…

LTS | Ebenezer – A Time of Transition

LTS | Ebenezer – A Time of Transition

Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane – LTS | Ebenezer – A Time of Transition Then Samuel took a stone and set…

75th Youth Day of the FELSISA – Uelzen 2018

75th Youth Day of the FELSISA – Uelzen 2018

75th Youth Day of the FELSISA – Uelzen 2018 Friday Every youth member will be able to testify that singing…

Brass Band Festival In Uelzen 2018

Brass Band Festival In Uelzen 2018

“Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” Months ahead of this year’s Brass Band…

The Cup of Thanksgiving

The Cup of Thanksgiving

“Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is…

Pastoral Care in Times of Need

Pastoral Care in Times of Need

Most FELSISA pastors were able to attend a workshop at the St Paul’s Congregation, Pretoria, held 13-15 August 2018, under…

Lutheran Winter Youth Camp 2018

Lutheran Winter Youth Camp 2018

Our change in location this year (Luiperdkloof Trout Lodge, Utrecht) was quite a huge hit with the youth, the prospect…

In Memoriam Pastor Werner Köhne

In Memoriam Pastor Werner Köhne

On 20 May 2018, God the Lord called His servant, Pastor emeritus Werner Köhne, home to eternity after an extended…

Devotion / Reflection: Give thanks to the Lord

Devotion / Reflection: Give thanks to the Lord

I, like you, maybe, check the best before dates on food items before I eat them. I have an uncontrollable…

Installation of Pastor Marlon Hiestermann

Installation of Pastor Marlon Hiestermann

The Installation of Pastor Marlon Hiestermann and Mission Festival at Salem Congregation Uelzen 12th August 2018 was a special day…

International Lutheran Council Meeting in Antwerp, Belgium

International Lutheran Council Meeting in Antwerp, Belgium

From 25th – 28th September the International Lutheran Council (ILC) met in Antwerp, Belgium, for its 26th World Conference. The…

Song Festival 2018

Song Festival 2018

Song Festival 2018 – Healing of Body and Soul On the 7th October 2018 at the Choir Festival in Kirchdorf,…

FELSISA Synodical Convention 2018

FELSISA Synodical Convention 2018

On the 126th anniversary of the founding of our Synod – 13th September 2018 – 42 delegates and numerous guests…

Church Music Notes: Christmas Music

Church Music Notes: Christmas Music

It’s almost Christmas! And a big part of Christmas is listening to Christmas music – in all manner of styles,…

Obituary: Lutz Kohrs

Obituary: Lutz Kohrs

On 4th September 2018 our brother in Christ, Mr Lutz Kohrs, passed away after a heart operation, which he underwent…

Mission Fest Uelzen

Mission Fest Uelzen

Mission Fest:  Pastor John Nkambule (Lutheran Theological Seminary) Pastor Nkambule related why he felt at home amongst the congregation; he…

Reflection – Bible passage | Isaiah 64:1

Reflection – Bible passage | Isaiah 64:1

Reflection – Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains might quake at your presence.…

Interview with Dr Heinz Hiestermann

Interview with Dr Heinz Hiestermann

Interview with Dr Heinz Hiestermann about his doctoral thesis entitled “Paul’s use of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition.” In 2016, Dr…

A Fundraising Drive of the FELSISA

A Fundraising Drive of the FELSISA

The Joy and Blessing of Giving: A Fundraising Drive of the FELSISA “God is able to make all grace abound…

Children’s Camp – Water of Life

Children’s Camp – Water of Life

Children’s Camp – Water of Life “I’ve got peace like a river; I’ve got joy like a fountain; I’ve got…

The Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane (LTS) – Looking Ahead

The Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane (LTS) – Looking Ahead

The Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS) in Tshwane –Looking Ahead On 3rd December 2018 the Members of the LTS, consisting of…

Synodical Church Councillors Meeting 2018

Synodical Church Councillors Meeting 2018

Once again it was time for the Church Councillors Meeting. It was during the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd…

Devotion / Reflection Bible passage 1 Corinthians 2:3-5

Devotion / Reflection Bible passage 1 Corinthians 2:3-5

“I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not…

2019 FELSISA Pastors’ Convention

2019 FELSISA Pastors’ Convention

From 20 – 24 May, the FELSISA pastors met up for the annual Pastors‘ Convention. This time it once again…

15 Years Mini Youth at Our Saviour

15 Years Mini Youth at Our Saviour

It’s the highlight of every month, as well over 30 kids between the ages of 7 and 13 storm into…

Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane

Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane

Theological Education is a task and a privilege of the Christian church. Jesus told us to “baptize” and to “teach.”…

Mozambique: After Despair, Hope!

Mozambique: After Despair, Hope!

Mozambique faced two cyclones in last March and April. Especially the second largest city of Mozambique was affected: Beira was…

Devotion / Reflection

Devotion / Reflection

“How many are your works, LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” (Psalm…

Exam of Andreas Albers

Exam of Andreas Albers

On the 31st of March Andreas Albers started his second and final examination for the office of the holy ministry.…

Youth Day 2019 in Lüneburg

Youth Day 2019 in Lüneburg

After many weeks of preparation, practices and rehearsals the time had finally come. We set out to Lüneburg for the…

New Sermon Text Order; Six Year Lectionary

New Sermon Text Order; Six Year Lectionary

The SELK in Germany has decided to adopt the reworked six year lectionary. The Pastors’ Convention of the FELSISA has…

Lutheran Winter Youth Camp in Fort Mistake

Lutheran Winter Youth Camp in Fort Mistake

From 5-7 July, 19 youth members of our synod came together at a retreat centre that was named after this Fort for the…

Practical Theological Seminar (PTS) in Germany

Practical Theological Seminar (PTS) in Germany

On the 13th of May, Vicar Andreas Albers and I returned to Germany once again to continue our theological studies. Only…

Thulani – Church Service for the first time

Thulani – Church Service for the first time

This morning, Thulani – one of the workers of St Martin’s Village – came to the church service for the…

LCMS National Youth Gathering 2019

LCMS National Youth Gathering 2019

Awesome! That is the word I heard most, and the one word I’d use to describe the 2019 National Youth…

Little Lamb’s Children’s Camp in June 2019

Little Lamb’s Children’s Camp in June 2019

It is post-election South Africa, and with the help of certain political and prominent figures, racial tension in our country…

FELSISA Church Councillors’ Meeting 2019

FELSISA Church Councillors’ Meeting 2019

“What is important to you in your life?” This is the question with which Dr Frederick Marais – Lecturer of…

Music in Church

Music in Church

All the Levites who were musicians—Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives—stood on the east side of the altar,…

Installation of Pastor Andreas Albers

Installation of Pastor Andreas Albers

On Sunday, the 6th of October 2019 at 14:00 a very special service was held in the Our Saviour Evangelical…

Christian Apologetics – What Does This Mean?

Christian Apologetics – What Does This Mean?

Christian Apologetics. Why do we hope? Maybe we hope, because we like to keep a positive outlook on life. Maybe…

The Church Is Always Growing!

The Church Is Always Growing!

Rev. Peter K. Lange, First Vice-President for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). As originally published in “Life of the Word”…

Confessional Lutheran Church

Confessional Lutheran Church

FELSISA sees itself as a confessional Lutheran Church- a church bound to the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. What…