Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Newcastle

Chronicles of Growth and Service in the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation

Steadfast Faith: The Journey of Lutherkirche Newcastle

Parish Pastor
Newcastle, KZN
Studied across three continents, ordained in 2015, and serves as pastor in Newcastle, drawing from diverse life influences.

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Brief History of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation (Lutherkirche) in Newcastle

October 25, 1964Präsident Pastor Günther Scharlach (Lüneburg) holds the first divine service of our synod in Newcastle for members from his Lüneburg Congregation, who had found work in Newcastle.
Early 1967Pastor Ernst August Albers (Uelzen) officially takes over work in Newcastle.
March 14, 1971 – Founding date. The congregation holds its first recorded congregational meeting in which they adopt a constitution. Founding members are Pastor A.E. Albers and wife, Mr. and Mrs. A: Talanda, E. Fitschen, W. Dedekind, you Toit, W. Reusch, G. Kühn.
August 18, 1974Pastor Werner Köhne (Uelzen) takes over work in Newcastle. (21 adults & 14 children)
August 22, 1976 – The congregation is given the right to vote at synod in non-financial matters as a parish.
October 30, 1976 – A church property is bought.
October 22, 1978Pastor Siegfried Köhne is installed as pastor for the parish of Panbult, Newcastle and Vryheid in Panbult. Initially services are held every two weeks at 15.00 in the Red Cross Hall. After three months services are held at 8.00 in the hall of the Catholic Convent. After this service the pastor travels to Vryheid to hold services there.
August 26, 1980 – Voting rights are extended to the newly established parish of Newcastle/Panbult /Vryheid. (26 a. & 11 c.) November 20, 1980 – Pastor Köhne and his family move to the newly built parsonage.
February 8, 1981 – The parsonage is inaugurated and also used for worship.
December 13, 1981 / 3rd Advent – While still under construction the church hall is used for worship for the first time (although initially planned as a hall it is still our sanctuary today). From now on every second Sunday – when the pastor is in Panbult (170 km away) – reading services are held in Newcastle.
February 14, 1982 / Sexagesimae – Inauguration of the church hall. Opened by President Günther Scharlach. Vicepresident Ernst-August Albers preaches about Lk. 8,4ff. See the picture below. L. to r. facing the camera: Pastor Siegfried Köhne, President Günther Scharlach, Pastor Mthimkhulu (started work at Blauwbosch/Osizweni), Church Elder Freddie Weinert, Pastor Werner Köhne and  Vice president Pastor Ernst-August Albers.
December 10, 1985Missionary/Pastor Johannes Schulz takes over work in Newcastle/Panbult/Vryheid. (27 a. & 19 c.)
April 3, 1988 – Pastor Schulz dies unexpectedly at Easter.
April 1988Pastor Helmut Straeuli (Uelzen) and missionary Harry Niebuhr (Enhlanhleni) take over the care of the orphaned congregation.
April 19, 1989Pastor Marc Haessig Pastor in Newcastle and Vryheid. Under his direction a new bell and the organ are purchased. During this time the parish council meets twice a year with the council of the neighbouring LCSA congregation from Osizweni. Once a year combined services are held. In 1991 Pastor Haessig moves to Vryheid and cares for both congregations from there. The parsonage in Newcastle is rented out. He describes the congrgation as a small but faithful force (see Philadelphia in Revelation 3: 8&10)
July 3, 1994Pastor Günther Hohls begins his service in Vryheid and Newcastle. In addition to Sunday services, weekly Bible lessons in the houses, children’s- and confirmation classes are held. Annual Advent celebrations, outings, and camping weekends at Damman’s farm at Glencoe add to congregational life. Evangelization events are held with Pastor Dr. Eggers.
May 18, 2008Pastor Michael Ahlers is installed in Newcastle. In addition to Sunday services, there are regular bible studies. Work at KwaHildaOncwele, a drop center for AIDS orphans in Osizweni is started. April 22, 2012Pastor Rüdiger Gevers is installed in Newcastle. Like his predecessors, he is based in Vryheid, but cares for Newcastle from there.
May 10, 2015 – Introduction of missionary/pastor Thomas Beneke. He is installed as pastor of the parish (Pastor Gevers continues to work in Vryheid) and missionary in a partnership between the congregation and the Mission of Lutheran Churches (Bleckmar). In addition to German, divine services are held in English in order to open up congregational life for people from other cultures. The work at KwaHilda Oncwele continues for two years. Then the emphasis of the diaconal work shifts to St Martin’s Village, a non-profit organisation next to the church property where abandoned babies are cared for. A partnership starts with the Bethesda Ev.-Luth. Community in Harrismith. Monthly visits, divine services, teaching and support for theology students from Harrsimith at the LTS in Pretoria are the focus of this partnership. (2017, a. 40, c. 24).