Installation of Pastor Marlon Hiestermann

The Installation of Pastor Marlon Hiestermann and Mission Festival at Salem Congregation Uelzen

12th August 2018 was a special day at Uelzen: our “caretaker” pastor, Pastor Marlon Hiestermann, with whom we had become well acquainted in the interval between 2nd February and this day, received a call, and was ultimately installed as the shepherd of our congregation. We simultaneously celebrated the Mission Festival together with the Vryheid and Newcastle congregations.

The watchword for the day was:

“I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will praise you.” (Psalm 22:22)

The FELSISA Council was represented by the Bishop’s Representative Pastor Rüdiger Gevers, who officiated at the installation. Pastor Hiestermann was introduced to the congregation, after which the Call Document was read. The pastors John Nkambule and Thomas Beneke assisted with the readings on the Office of Holy Ministry. Pastor Gevers held the installation sermon and asked the installation questions. A prayer was spoken and the pastors present spoke a votum for the installation.

The sermon on Romans 10:13-17 was held by our newly installed pastor.

A choir consisting of members from all three congregations sang at the service and the following celebration. An augmented brass band further added to the joyousness of the day. The group photographs served to document this momentous occasion.

Afterwards, we proceeded to the church hall where the celebratory lunch was held and where Pastor Marlon, wife Kristen and baby Maira were welcomed into the congregation. Numerous greetings from the Church Council and other congregations were shared.

Pastor Marlon has had time to test the fishing waters not only in the congregation, but also in the dams in the surrounds!

Edith Müller


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