Evangelical Lutheran Congregation – Newcastle

The last year has seen many new developments in our congregation in Newcastle.

Our congregation got its own pastor when Missionary/Pastor Thomas Beneke was installed in May 2015.

We are a small congregation with a big heart and share the FELSISA motto: Trusting – Welcoming – Caring and Moving Forward with Christ. And as a congregation, we carry the motto: A people sheltered in Christ – engaging the world.

Congregational Life

Sunday mornings usually see two communion services celebrated at our church in Newcastle: a service in German (8:30) as was the case in the past, and since July 2015 a service in English (10:00). The German service is preceded by a service of confession and absolution (8:15). In the first months, the English services posed quite a challenge. It was something completely new. On some Sundays, the organist, her husband, the pastor and the angels in heaven were the only ones who attended. Thank God this has changed and about four families now regularly attend the service. Introducing a combined service followed by a lunch/braai every first Sunday of the month has been a success. Special services – e.g. baptisms – are usually celebrated on this Sunday. In the combined services and in the English services a projector is used to keep everyone on the same page. Generally, the congregation is quite flexible, friendly and happy to consider new suggestions. This is important, considering that members come from diverse backgrounds, neighbourhoods, languages and cultures to grow together in the one Christian faith. The congregation is very spread out. Some members travel 120km to come to church, while others walk or ride their bicycle.

What is our role in the congregations mission? Where do we see our congregation in 5 years time? What does God expect of us as His congregation here in Newcastle? These are some of the questions we asked ourselves during a camping weekend on the farm of Herta and Rudolf Damman in October 2015. Setting and discussing long-term goals for the mission project of our congregation and the MLC, we had a good time around the camp fire and after some refinement, our long-term goal reads: “A confessional Lutheran presence in Newcastle which is sustainable, caring, growing and capable of accommodating people from various cultural and language groups.”

As in other congregations of the FELSISA, there are multiple opportunities for catechises in our congregation: Teaching at the beginning of the service, Sunday School, Confirmation Class after the service on Sunday, and Bible Studies. Pastor Beneke visits our members regularly, including those that do not often come to the services. Last year our congregation and the pastor’s family featured in articles in the Newcastle Advertiser and Northern Natal Get-It in connection with our Christmas market. Through these articles three families found their way to our congregation. One of them was a large family from Cologne in Germany living in Newcastle on a three-year contract with a German company. Although they have now returned to Germany, they played an active role in Congregational life during their stay.

Our congregation is a bit like a big family, with ages ranging from new-born children to members who have reached a ripe old age, who support each other through the joys and struggles of life, through care and
prayer. A Congregational Whatsapp-group assists with communication. God’s generosity to us is passed onto others through hospital visits at the local Mediclinic. Two members of the congregation work there and let us know when people need to be visited, mostly Lutherans from around the Piet Retief or Vryheid area whom we know through church or social networks.

Outreach and Mission work

Pastor Beneke, together with helpers from our congregation and other locals, supports the KwaHilda Oncwele Community Care Centre in Osizweni (a township about 30 km from our church), by teaching the approximately 40 children bible stories, and by praying, singing, eating and playing with them on Wednesday afternoons. In this way, the children hear the wonderful news of the Gospel of Christ. Most of them also have the chance to meet a white person for the first time in their life. We hope it is a good experience for them.

As a Missionary Pastor Beneke also supports a congregation of mostly migrant Christians in Harrismith, who want to become Lutherans, through regular visits and teaching. This year we celebrated a Pentecost Service at our church in English and isiZulu together with our brothers and sisters in faith of our neighbouring LCSA congregations from Osizweni/Madadeni/KwaMdagane.

Outreach to children in the vicinity of our church was a prayer request, which has been fulfilled when we started Bible Classes for children at our church premises in August 2016. These classes take place twice a month on Friday afternoons. Classes are taught in English and in two groups: “Little Blessings” (Preschool) and “Little Lambs” (Grade 1-5). The grown-ups meet under the shade trees for coffee, cake, crafting, and chatting.


As part of the outreach to children, a jungle gym was built on the church property by our members with wood donated by Vuka poles from Commondale. On Sundays, and during the holidays, children from the congregation, but also from the surrounding community, love to play on this wide and open playground.

Soon after Pastor Thomas and his wife Liesel had settled in the congregation, ideas about a Christmas market on the church premises started spreading. Stallholders were invited. For months the congregation worked hard in preparation. On the 5th of December we experienced a very hot, but also a successful day. The church property was filled with people visiting the ‘Kaffeestube,’ ‘Wurstbude,’ beer tent, ‘Spätzle,’ a stand of the congregation with baked goods, much loved ‘Butterkuchen,’ wreaths for Advent, Christmas decorations, Children’s games and about 35 stalls of “external” stallholders. On the day after the Christmas market, the church was filled to the rafters. A hearty thanks goes out to members of the neighbouring FELSISA congregations who supported us, including the brass players! Please do so again on the 3rd of December this year!

Maintenance was done regularly on the church property and also on some members’ houses. These days were filled not only with work, but also some healthy camaraderie and usually ended with a braai. The women of the congregation do an excellent job of keeping us fed and they are very thankful for a donation from the ranks of the FELSISA, which enabled them to upgrade the fridge and stove at our church.


Lastly, we would like to extend a hearty invitation to those finding themselves in the vicinity of Newcastle. Visitors are always welcome. We thank God who has blessed our congregation richly. We thank the Mission (MLC) and the other congregations for their prayers and support. We pray that God might continue to bless His congregation in Newcastle and let His kingdom grow, also among us.

Nicola Talanda & Pastor Thomas Beneke


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