We believe, teach and confess … “that this faith is bound to bring forth good fruit [Galatians 5:22–23]. It is necessary to do good works commanded by God [Ephesians 2:10], because of God’s will. We should not rely on those works to merit justification before God.[29] The Holy Spirit is received through faith, hearts are renewed and given new affections, and then they are able to bring forth good works.” (Augsburg Confession XX.27-29)
Faith does Good Works
30] [1]For Ambrose says: Faith is the mother of a good will and right doing. 31] For man’s powers without the Holy Spirit are full of ungodly affections, and are too weak to do works which are good in God’s sight. 32] Besides, they are in the power of the devil who move men to diverse sins, 33] to ungodly opinions, to open crimes. This we may be observed in the philosophers, who, although they endeavoured to live an honest life could not succeed, 34] but were defiled with many open crimes. Such is the frailness of man when he is without faith and without the Holy Spirit, and governs himself only by human strength.
35] Hence it may be readily seen that this doctrine is not to be charged with prohibiting good works, but rather all the more to be commended, because it shows how we are enabled to do good works. 36] For without faith human nature cannot do the works of the First or of the Second Commandment. 37] Without faith it does not call upon God, nor expect anything from God, nor bear the cross, but seeks, and trusts in, man’s help. 38] And thus, when there is no faith and trust in God all manner of lusts and human devices rule in the heart. 39] Therefore Christ said, [John 15:5], “ … apart from Me you can do nothing.”
[1] BOC, www.bookofconcord.org., Augsburg Confession, XX, 30-39. Note: This passage has been edited, slightly, to enhance the readability and to fit the structure of the website page.