Lutheran Winter Youth Camp 2022 by Pastor Toby Ahlers, Shelly Beach

At the end of June, 30 youth gathered for the annual Lutheran Winter Youth Camp (LWYC), held again at Fort Mistake Country Lodge, near Dundee, KZN.

This year’s topic was: Why do you go to Church? Participants looked at what, how, and why things are done in a church service.  Emphasis was given to understanding and appreciating the benefits we receive during the service – it is not a matter of I have to go to church, but I get to go to church! In order to receive that which I can get nowhere else – not at the shopping mall, not even on the sports field – namely, the forgiveness of my sins, and the strengthening of my faith to endure this world. These – along with God’s grace, mercy, and comfort – come to me in the Word and Sacraments of the church service.

Daily morning and evening devotions were held, structured around selected parts of the Daily Offices (like the Magnificat, or the Te Deum). This was a great way to get to know the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) better.

This camp is a valuable part of the youth programme in the FELSISA, and definitely worth attending – it’s open to all youth over the age of 16 – so keep a lookout for when it takes place next year!

A huge thank you goes to all organisers and presenters, and especially to Elke and Franz Van Zyl, who worked tirelessly in the kitchen to prepare all the delicious food!

Photo 1 – Only the very brave made use of the zipline into the dam – it’s called the Lutheran Winter Youth Camp for a reason!

Photo 2 – Participants of the Lutheran Winter Youth Camp, 30 June to 3 July 2022.

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