David Weber, Pretoria
Who am I? This is a question best not asked out loud, as that may lead to awkward questions about one’s sanity. Even asking: “Who are you?” is a little too direct and aggressive for most small talk conversations. Nonetheless, our pastors, not being afraid to ask the tough questions, or face the awkward ones, made this the theme for the 2024 FELSISA Youth Retreat, held from 26-28 April.
No matter how you pose the question, it appears impossible to answer definitively. The correct approach can best be likened to a parent trying to identify the drawing of a young child. It is advisable not to focus on the drawing, making guesses like “Wow, is that a cactus?”, when the child clearly drew an angel (this may be a personal anecdote and a sore topic), but far better to ask the creator of the picture what beautiful thing they have drawn for you here.
While this allegory should not be taken too literally (for who are you to tell God that his angel looks like a cactus), it is an indication that as God’s creation, you are not the correct person to answer the question, “Who am I?” Rather, you should in turn ask God who you are and should be.
Together Pastor Christian Straeuli and Pastor Kurt Schnackenberg guided us through this relevant topic, in a time where the world tells us we can answer this question in a multitude of ways, and can change from one day to the next. In contrast, a life defined by Christ, and spent chasing his blessings, yields a wonderful, consistent and never changing answer – I am his.
In summary, the weekend was an awesome opportunity for the FELSISA youth to come together and listen, learn and grow (grow – partially because youth parents Mark and Carla Meyer treated us to some delicious food, drinks and snacks throughout the weekend). A big thank you to everyone involved and everyone who attended (this year recorded the most non-Arcadia members in the last 5 years I have participated – there were 3 – and we are always keen for more!).
And to anyone for whom this topic may hit home, remember, if you ever thought you had ruined God’s plan for you – you are not that powerful. Today is the perfect day, let God define you – let him do the work. Come to his WORD and SACRAMENT. Where he shapes you, gives you what you need and strengthens you to go on. Who am I – I am a child of God who needs what God wants to give and stop searching within you to find out who you are, so you can finally stop looking like a cactus (I will not say you will be an angel because that is something distinct and would again be taking the allegory too far, but you get the idea).