Compiled by Christian Straeuli, Greytown
Everything is happening a bit earlier this year. The Bishop is retiring at the end of May, and therefore it was decided to have the Synodical Convention before that (at the end of May), so that there may be a seamless succession. And since the Pastors’ Convention usually happens during that time, it also had to be moved to earlier in the year (and ideally not during Lent). And so it happened that we as pastors where able to meet at the beginning of February already, from the 6th to the 10th, and this time at the “Our Saviour” Congregation in Wartburg.
After having found accommodation at congregation members or friends in the area, the convention was opened at 8h02 sharp with a devotion on 1 Peter 5:1-4. The next three days were filled with interesting presentations, lively discussions and encouraging updates regarding happenings in our Synod. (For more information and details on what was discussed here – please ask your pastor – I am sure he will be more than happy to share.)
On Tuesday afternoon we took a quick break and escaped into the wild. Bishop Reinstorf hosted us at the Albert Falls Dam in Emanzini, where some were able to practice their skills to walk on water (i.e. skiing), others reverted back to being catchers of fish and the rest just enjoyed sitting by the waterside enjoying the view. But for all, it was a great opportunity to enjoy nature, look at game and have a fun braai.

The closing service of our convention on Wednesday night was simultaneously the opening service for a combined convention between the pastors of the LCSA and the FELSISA and we were joined by the pastors of our sister Synod for the next two days. This meeting was hosted by the LCSA this year, however as they decided that the theme was “Stewardship,” they had asked my wife and me as the FELISA Stewardship Coordinators to do a few presentations regarding this topic. During the discussions it became clear, that there is a lot of interest in working together between the two synods and progress is being made regarding this (ask your pastors how!). A sentence that stood out was: We might have very different interests and very different cultures, but we are united in our confession towards HIM – and that is where unity matters.
I would once again like to thank the Our Saviour Congregation for being such great hosts. I think I speak for all that no one left there hungry. Thank you to all who were responsible for organising this, it was a wonderfully encouraging time, in which we as servants of the Word could come together, meditate on God’s Word and discuss our work, individually as congregations and collectively as a synod.